What does it take to make a habit?
I've been thinking about how I got into the habit of writing daily.
Days when I had nothing to write but I'll sit in front of the laptop and let the words flow from my fingers to the page
and then I just stopped writing
I saw the number of readers gone up and that scared me.
It was supposed to be a private space for me
to share my thoughts
It was also a space to help educate if I could.
Share what I know and if just 1 person benefitted from what I've shared,
I've won, I thought.
The fear of letting my words be read stopped me from writing
how ironic isn't it?
but this isn't about that
How did I build my writing habit again?
I used to love writing so much, I wrote even on holiday!
It was my sacred time, time alone, time spent with my thoughts, time I felt invincible
Why did I forgo this writing habit which I so love?
and how do I get it back?
I'm hoping reading my own writing will help me get back to it.
If you're struggling with making it a habit, here's me. I still struggle on days.
I've struggled for a while now but today I decide I'll start writing again.
Let's try writing together again?
and you've read till here, let me know I'm not alone. :)
sending you love and light and a peace of mind for the new week ahead! :)
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