
Showing posts from March, 2024

The stories we tell ourselves

In a recent Instagram story, Crystal shared a snippet of a workshop she conducted. She shared a scenario, Greg interrupting her during a conversation.  She could get annoyed and think " Oh Greg's horrible, he interrupted because he doesn't respect me. " Or she could think, " Greg's very excited about his new project and he can't wait to share it with me. " And she'll feel very differently depending on the story she tells herself.  Crystal says, "We need to learn to separate facts from stories." The homework she gave to her attendees was to go home and think of alternative stories to something that has happened.  --- Was facilitating a workshop on Friday and we had to work together on a creative task. A student shared the activity was akin to improv.  Before we even began, I shared out loud, "oh no, I'm not creative. I'm going to do so badly at this."  Dave who heard my thoughts said, "that's the story you te...


What does it take to make a habit? I've been thinking about how I got into the habit of writing daily. Days when I had nothing to write but I'll sit in front of the laptop and let the words flow from my fingers to the page and then I just stopped writing I saw the number of readers gone up and that scared me. It was supposed to be a private space for me to share my thoughts It was also a space to help educate if I could.  Share what I know and if just 1 person benefitted from what I've shared,  I've won, I thought. The fear of letting my words be read stopped me from writing how ironic isn't it? but this isn't about that How did I build my writing habit again? I used to love writing so much, I wrote even on holiday!  It was my sacred time, time alone, time spent with my thoughts, time I felt invincible Why did I forgo this writing habit which I so love?  and how do I get it back? I'm hoping reading my own writing will help me get back to it. ---- If you'...