90 Days to Greatness Progress Reflection: Day 8

I'm an all or nothing kind of girl.

When I do get up before 7.30 a.m., I make myself the most productive b*tch.

I'll fill my little gaps of time with hand-washing my brassieres, reading, and basically doing all that productive stuff.

And then I'll still try to complete everything that is needed on the list even though I am absolutely exhausted by 11.37 p.m.

So it's no surprise what comes next.

Burn out.

And then I wake up the next day feeling like I just ran a marathon and need a full week of rest. 

I mean, why won't I feel that way? I just pushed myself to my limits the day before. 

Packing my day up from 7.15 all the way till 11.37 p.m.

Why do I do it? 

The sense of satisfaction it gives. 

Will I do it again?

Maybe not. 

Targeting good sleep for the 17th - 23rd July week. 

Sleeping by 10.45 p.m and waking up at 7.15 a.m. 

Ok let's go.


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