Day 2 of living my ideal life

Of course I was too ambitious. I slept around 2 am last night. Had the hardest workout in a long time, I did 4 sets of 15 reps of Russian twists, squats, crunches, and some back and upper body exercise all with a 2l or 3l weights. 

I dreamt of zombies, the really scary ones which wouldn't die easily, I even remember having to slice one by its neck. Yikes. 

So I woke up at 10 am instead. 

But I'd love to report it's Day 2 of working out. 
Yesterday I did a run and the exercises above. 
Today, I went for a run again and did 2 x 15 seconds dead hangs. 

While on a high from the run, I almost tweeted that I'd do a 31 day exercise challenge.  
Am I glad I did not post it? Yes. But it's still something I'd love to try. 

On reflecting, I am still living my ideal life. I get to go for a run because I want to, I get to wake up at whatever time I wish. 

Can you live your ideal life right now? How does it look like?

Share them with me by typing in the comments below! 


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