I'm a fraud

Wanna know how important your master hand is?

Play tennis. 

Or hold the racket for 2 hours straight as you learn how to play tennis.

Last night, I played tennis for the first time in my adult life and my whole left arm, wrist and even my fingers are swollen and aching.

I can't even hold my 1 litre filled water bottle to my lips.

It's quite amazing. We often don't appreciate what our bodies do for us until it breaks down.

I remember when I broke a bone in my left foot. 

Only in crutches did I appreciate walking and running.

Even more amazing is how we forget the pain and the inconveniences right after we get better.

I missed hiking so much when I couldn't for 4 months.

Now, I haven't even hiked once this year.

I've been feeling the effects of irregular sleep for many years. 

Yet, I haven't taken a concrete step to fix my sleep cycle.

I often say health is wealth. 

But I'm a fraud. 

I don't practise what I preach. 

It's easy to do something big for one day. Two hours of tennis, an intense full body workout, getting up at 5 a.m.

Sounds incredibly fun to do something like that. 

But to make it sustainable is a different story.

Take baby steps. Force yourself to. 

Stop after you've completed an hour of tennis so the muscles that you've newly awoken can rest for the next session.

Instead of a full body workout, how about focusing on strengthening your upper body today? Tomorrow you can focus on another key area as your muscles rest from the previous day's work.

Want to be a morning person? If your usual wake time is 7 a.m., how about waking up 10 minutes earlier for a week or two before adjusting your time again.

Not only does taking baby steps give you the sense of achievement because you're more likely to fulfil them, it will be more sustainable in the long run. 

Getting the little wins in day by day will be the fuel to keep you going.

Consistency is built brick by brick.

What habits are you building in 2023?

How are you going to make it sustainable for you?


  1. Loved that!!! I feel inspired to try harder now.
    You helped me realise that i focus on too many things at the same time.
    I should focus my energy on things that bundle together, and perhaps group them up and split them into goals!!

    Thank you Brienne <3

    1. (Re-replied you Savas, realised I added another comment instead)
      Hi Savas! Happy to see you here.

      It's normal to focus on many things at one time. And it's only because we're suddenly aware of all the things we can do better right now. I'm no different.

      All the best with your goals! Keep me updated! :)

  2. Hi Savas! Happy to see you here.

    It's normal to focus on many things at one time. And it's only because we're suddenly aware of all the things we can do better right now. I'm no different.

    All the best with your goals! Keep me updated! :)


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