How to become a digital nomad?

Wanna travel but haven't a clue where to go?

Don't know where to get the best accommodation for the most bang for your buck?

Wanna know somebody at your travel destination who can come to your rescue with all your questions?

Any more travel related questions?

Join *(insert community here).


Just came back from a bbq so kindly organised by a digital nomad for digital nomads or people looking to travel soon. They've built such a huge community. It's so heartwarming meeting so many like-minded individuals who have found a way to work remotely/ travel for months at a go/ are working and living overseas. 

This year, I'm making a move. 

I don't know where I'm going, but I know I'm definitely going. 

See you on the other side of the world. x

*will insert the page my friend is creating when its ready, I'm so excited for her!


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