Do you deserve what you want?

How to have the best day when you're on sick leave.

Read, meditate, learn something new, watch the clouds, capture birds on photos. 

I meditated to a new track by Saqib Rizvi. I've linked it here.

There's a portion on setting intentions. Starting with the words "I desire to..." and completing the sentence. 

I found I was unable to put a large numerical value. Thoughts of being greedy surfaced in my head. I struggled to repeat it thrice as instructed. 

Perhaps I felt I was undeserving of that monetary value with what I was doing right now. 

Thinking it was something that I can achieve in the future made it more believable. 

Perhaps that is why manifestations don't come as quickly as we like them to. 

We are afraid. Some of us are. Of the magnificence or vastness of our desires. 

It's interesting how I noticed that and it got me thinking about whether that is truly what I desire.


Watched How to Take a Digital Note, by Tiago Forte.

Nowadays, there's so much emphasis on building our second brain. I thought it's important to organise all our digital notes for easy retrieval. 

Tiago has four criteria for what to note keep.

1. Inspiring

Testimonials, quotes that you could look back on when you need a push or spark need to be kept. 

2. Useful

Other people's best practices, interesting processes, knowledge that you've learnt and could use in the future ought to be kept so we can refer to them.

3. Easily lost

These include screenshots, interesting stories, quotes that you personally enjoy. 

4. Personal 

There's abundance of information everywhere. Knowledge you embody, believe in or hard-won (meaning things you went through failures or made mistakes to understand them). 

(Still have half the video to go through. Will update this space.)


Brienne,  11 March 2022, 9.21 p.m.


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